Cloud-based antivirus vs on-premise antivirus

August 20, 2021

Cloud-based antivirus vs on-premise antivirus

Avast! Are you ready to explore the world of antivirus options? In this blog post, we will compare cloud-based antivirus and on-premise antivirus. Which one should you choose? Read on to find out!

What is cloud-based antivirus?

Cloud-based antivirus is a type of antivirus software that is housed in the cloud. It works by scanning files and data that are stored on cloud servers. The whole process is handled remotely, so you don’t need to worry about installing any software on your local machine.

What is on-premise antivirus?

On-premise antivirus is installed directly on your computer or server. It’s the traditional way of using antivirus software. On-premise antivirus is responsible for scanning files and data that are stored on your local device.

Comparison of cloud-based antivirus vs on-premise antivirus


Cloud-based antivirus is more affordable than on-premise antivirus. With cloud-based antivirus, you only need to pay for the number of users and storage you need. On the other hand, on-premise antivirus requires you to purchase the software and update it every year.


Cloud-based antivirus requires less resource consumption than on-premise antivirus. Since cloud-based antivirus is housed in the cloud, it relies on remote servers for its processing power. Whereas, on-premise antivirus uses your system resources to perform its functions.


Cloud-based antivirus is much more scalable than on-premise antivirus. If your business grows, you can easily add more users and storage to your cloud antivirus system. However, with on-premise antivirus, you might need to purchase additional software, licenses and hardware to accommodate the growth.


Both cloud-based and on-premise antivirus provides security to your system. However, cloud-based antivirus has an advantage over on-premise antivirus because it is continuously being updated with the latest virus definitions and protection mechanisms. On the other hand, on-premise antivirus requires manual updating, which can lead to delayed protection from new virus threats.


Cloud-based antivirus is faster and more efficient than on-premise antivirus because it utilizes remote servers' processing power. On-premise antivirus can slow down your system performance as it uses local resources for its function.


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